Client Name: A leading producer of high-quality engineered nylon materials.
Location: Shanghai
Deliverables: Trainings – Introduction to Strengths
The Problem
To celebrate Women’s Day, the company had come up with ideas to offer roses or candle crafting workshop to their female employees. The top management wanted more. “How do we really show a sign of recognition for own women workers on that special day?”
The Solution
After an initial contact with Intandid, the top management realized that their employees were usually highly skilled and trained for hard skills (with various technical trainings) to help them complete their tasks smoothly.
However, the company had only started to think about investing in their employees’ soft skills but never really take the first step. They figured we could help them and offered all their female employees the chance to join a half-day training to discover and invest in their Strengths.
What a better sign of recognition on Women’s Day?
At Intandid, we create bespoke content for our clients because we believe it is the best way to WOW them. We proposed to start with introductory notions for their female employees. Positive psychology, self-reflection and Strengths-based approaches are at the heart of our techniques.

The Results
Despite the Covid-19 situation in the region around March 8th, our team delivered the training within a week of the agreed schedule.
It required flexibility and care from both sides, and we really enjoyed working with them under these circumstances.
The female team took their CliftonStrengths Assessments and discovered their top 5 Strengths on Women’s Day. This already triggered a lot of internal discussions and discoveries from one person to another.
A week later, on March 16th, the team discovered the power of their Strengths and in which areas of their lives they wanted to apply them more consciously.
After each training, we seek feedback from our participants: 100% of the participants deemed this half-day training to be very useful!
The training helped them to know themselves better at an individual and group. They figured that they could use their Strengths to help solve their daily problems. Overall, the effect of such a training is long lasting for the individuals and for the companies. The management was able to bring value to their female employees on Women’s Day.